Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Susanne and Randy

My cousin Susanne got married a few weeks ago. and may I say, the only thing scarier to me than shooting a wedding is doing it for family. I love photography, don't get me wrong, but weddings are a one time thing. If you miss a shot there are no do-overs. Susanne and Randy are meant to be together and I wish them all the love and happiness a life time can hold. I wish I could put all of your images up, but here are a few to show your friends.

Sweet Devlin, Was the most handsome ringbearer.

All 5 flower girls. Baylee, Cherie, Brianna, Abby, and Taylor.

This was just one of those super cute moments. Yes I know "Mommy Glasses", but it makes me smile every time I see it.

Congratulations Susanne, Randy and Devlin. Best wishes to you all.