Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Susanne and Randy

My cousin Susanne got married a few weeks ago. and may I say, the only thing scarier to me than shooting a wedding is doing it for family. I love photography, don't get me wrong, but weddings are a one time thing. If you miss a shot there are no do-overs. Susanne and Randy are meant to be together and I wish them all the love and happiness a life time can hold. I wish I could put all of your images up, but here are a few to show your friends.

Sweet Devlin, Was the most handsome ringbearer.

All 5 flower girls. Baylee, Cherie, Brianna, Abby, and Taylor.

This was just one of those super cute moments. Yes I know "Mommy Glasses", but it makes me smile every time I see it.

Congratulations Susanne, Randy and Devlin. Best wishes to you all.


Crystal said...

Thank you for the sweet comment! And thank you for your prayers for Bentley, we are so grateful for that.

You are too sweet, but please do not go out of your way for us. If you are going to do something a sweet card would be more than enough.

Again, thank you so much for all your support and prayers during this time! It is one that that keeps us going every day.

The Pifer's said...

OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!!!!!! Your blog is absolutely amazing!!!!! I hope it's ok if I follow you! I love getting to know new people throughout this crazy blog world!!!

Tiffany Pifer